Assignment 1
The goal of this assignment is to implement a basic deep learning framework, miniTorch, which is capable of performing operations on tensors with automatic differentiation and necessary operators. In this assignment, we will construct a simple feedforward neural network for a sentiment classification task. We will implement the automatic differentiation framework, simple neural network architecture, training and evaluation algo- rithms in Python and implement the low level operators in C++ and CUDA.
Environment Setup
The starting code base is provided in
Please check your version of Python (Python 3.8+), run either:
We also highly recommand setting up a virtual environment. The virtual environment lets you install packages that are only used for your assignments and do not impact the rest of the system. We suggest venv or anaconda. For example, if you choose venv, run the following command:If you choose anaconda, run the following command:
Then clone the starter codes from the git repo and install packages.
git clone
cd llmsys_s25_hw1
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements.extra.txt
python -m pip install -Ue .
Compile the CUDA file. Create a directory cuda_kernels first, and compile the file.
mkdir minitorch/cuda_kernels
nvcc -o minitorch/cuda_kernels/ --shared src/ -Xcompiler -fPIC
Make sure that everything is installed by running python and then checking:
Code files layout
minitorch/ # The minitorch source code # Automatic differentiation implementation
(problem 1) # Connects Tensor backend with the CUDA kernels
(problem 2)
src/ # CUDA kernels implementation (problem 2)
project/ # Network and training codes for training for
the sentence sentiment classification task
(problem 3 & problem 4)
Jupyter Notebook Template
You’ll need a GPU to complete the assignment. We recommend Google Colab, which is free and similar to Jupyter Notebooks, and allows you to run on a GPU. You are also welcome to use AWS credits and PSC accounts to access Virtual Machines with more advanced GPU, which will be signed up later, but not necessary.
We have prepared a Jupyter Notebook template for you, feel free to download the template from the Canvas Assignment page or from here. If you are using Google Colab, please create a copy of the template on your own Google Drive and ensure that you are using a GPU. Make sure in the menu go to “Runtime / Change runtime type” and select GPU for “Hardware accelerator”.
Problem 1 (20)
Implement automatic differentiation. We have provided the derivative operations for internal Python operators in minitorch.Function.backward call. Your task is to write the two core functions needed for automatic differentiation: topological_sort and backpropagate. This will allow us to traverse the computation graph and compute the gradients along the way.
Complete the following functions in minitorch/ The places where you need
to fill in your code are highlighted with BEGIN ASSIGN1_1
Note: Be sure to checkout the functions in class Variable(Protocol)
1. Implement topological sort
Implement the computation for the reversed topological order of the computation graph.
* Ensure that you visit the computation graph in a post-order depth-first search.
* When the children nodes of the current node are visited, add the current node at the front of the result order list.
def topological_sort(variable: Variable) -> Iterable[Variable]:
Computes the topological order of the computation graph.
2. Implement backpropagate
Implement the backpropagation on the computation graph in order to compute derivatives for the leave nodes.
def backpropagate(variable: Variable, deriv: Any) -> None:
Runs backpropagation on the computation graph in order to
compute derivatives for the leave nodes.
3. Check implementation
After correctly implementing the functions, you should be able to pass tests marked as autodiff.
Problem 2 (40)
In the second part, you need to implement operators for the CUDA Backend CudaKernelOps.
The places where you need to fill in your code are highlighted with BEGIN ASSIGN1_2
Note: Be sure to checkout the CUDA examples in lecture 2 slides and the demo here!
1. Implement CUDA kernels
Implement CUDA kernels for matrix multiplication, map, zip and reduce functions in src/ Please follow this exact order: map -> zip -> reduce -> matmul. Map is independent of the other functions, so ensure that it is completed first.
__global__ void MatrixMultiplyKernel(scalar_t* out, ...) {
__global__ void mapKernel(scalar_t* out, ...){
__global__ void reduceKernel(scalar_t* out, ...){
__global__ void zipKernel(scalar_t* out, ...){
Data layout and strides.
To represent multidimensional tensor in memory, we use strides format. To represent a 2D matrix in 1D array, we usually use row major representation,
A[i, j] = Adata[i * cols + j]
While for strides format,
A[i, j] = Adata[i * strides[0] + j * strides[1]]
. For example:
Adata = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
A = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
# To access (1, 2)
# Row major format
rows, cols = 2, 4
A[1][2] == Adata[1 * cols + 2]
# Strides format
strides = (4, 1)
A[1][2] = Adata[1 * strides[0] + 2 * strides[1]]
Parallelization for matrix multiplication
A simple way to parallel matrix multiplication is to have every element in the output matrix calculated individually in each block, as is shown in figure 1. We provide the pseudocode here for you. Refer to Chapter 4.3 Matrix Multiplication in Programming Massively Parallel Processors, 4th Ed for more details.
__global__ void mm(float A[N][N], float B[N][N], float C[N][N]) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int row = idx / N;
int col = idx % N;
if (row < N && col < N) {
float sum = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
sum += A[row][k] * B[k][col];
out[row][col] = sum;

A more advanced way to accelerate matrix multiplication with shared memory tiling is illustrated in figure 2. It is resource intensive to only utilize one block of CUDA kernel to calculate one element of the output matrix. We can allocate a chunk of output elements for each block, and create threads inside the block to compute the results in parallel. Each block takes care of a chunk of [S, S] elements. Each thread inside the block calculates smaller parts of [si, L] × [L, si], and accesses the shared memory across the block. We provide the pseudocode here for you. Refer to Chapter 5.4 A Tiled Matrix Multiplication Kernel in Programming Massively Parallel Processors, 4th Ed for more details.
__global__ void mm(float A[N][N], float B[N][N], float C[N][N]) {
__shared__ float sA[S][L], sB[L][S];
float tC[S][S] = [0];
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
for (int ks = 0; ks < N; ks += L) {
sA[:, :] = A[i:i+S, ks:ks+L];
sB[:, :] = B[i:i+S, ks:ks+L];
for (int ki = 0; ki < L; ++kk) {
tC[:] += sA[:][ki] * sB[ki][:];
C[i][j] = tC[:];

Parallelization for reduce function
A simple way to parallel the reduce function is to have every reduced element in the output calculated individually in each block. The basic idea of ReduceSum is shown in figure 3. In each block, it is important to think about how to calculate the step across the data to be reduced based on reduce_dim and strides.

You can also try optimizing the parallelization for a single reduce operation. Threads
inside the block first load the data to a shared memory space, then perform parallel
reduction with a tree-based method, as is shown in figure 4. This is a simple optimized
version for ReduceSum1. In our implementation, you need to think over how to apply
the paradigm to ReduceMultiply and ReduceMax as well. You have to also carefully
consider how to apply the reduction over certain axis as we are operating a multidi-
mensional tensor represented as a continguous array. Calculating the positions with
helper functions to_index
and index_to_position
is necessary. We provide the pseudocode here for you.
__global__ void reduce0(int *g_idata, int *g_odata) {
__shared__ int sdata[];
int pos = threadIdx.x;
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
sdata[tid] = g_idata[i];
for(int s = 1; s < blockDim.x; s *= 2) {
if (tid % (2 * s) == 0) {
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid+s];
if (tid == 0) {
g_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];

2. Recompile CUDA kernels
Recompile the src/ with the following command.Every time you make changes to the, you need to compile it again.
3. Implement CUDA kernel ops
Implement the functions in minitorch/ to load the compiled CUDA functions. An example has been demonstrated in map function.
class CudaKernelOps(TensorOps):
def zip(fn: Callable[[float, float], float]):
def reduce(fn: Callable[[float, float], float], start: float = 0.0):
def matrix_multiply(a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor:
4. Check implementation
After correctly implementing the functions, you should be able to pass tests marked as cuda.
If you want to separately test the four abstraction functions, you can do the followings:python -m pytest -l -v -k "cuda_one" # for map
python -m pytest -l -v -k "cuda_two" # for zip
python -m pytest -l -v -k "cuda_reduce" # for reduce
python -m pytest -l -v -k "cuda_matmul" # for matrix multiplication
Problem 3 (20)
In this section, you will implement the neural network architecture and the training proce-
dure. Complete the following functions in under the project folder. The
places where you need to fill in your code are highlighted with BEGIN ASSIGN1_3
and END
1. Implement Linear layer
Implement the linear layer with 2D matrix as weights and 1D vector as bias. You need to implement both the initialization function and the forward function for the Linear class. Read the comments carefully before coding.
class Linear(minitorch.Module):
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size):
def forward(self, x):
2. Implement Network class
Implement the complete neural network used for training. You need to implement both the initialization function and the forward function of the Network class. Read the comments carefully before coding.
class Network(minitorch.Module):
Implement a MLP for SST-2 sentence sentiment classification.
This model should implement the following procedure:
1. Average over the sentence length.
2. Apply a Linear layer to hidden_dim followed by a ReLU and Dropout.
3. Apply a Linear to size C (number of classes).
4. Apply a sigmoid.
def __init__(
def forward(self, embeddings):
embeddings tensor: [batch x sentence length x embedding dim]
3. Check implementation
After correctly implementing the functions, you should be able to pass tests marked as network.
Problem 4 (20)
In this section, you will implement codes for training and perform training on a simple MLP
for the sentence sentiment classification task. The places where you need to fill in your code
are highlighted with BEGIN ASSIGN1_4
1. Implement training loop
You need to complete the code for training and validation. Read the comments carefully before coding. What’s more, we strongly suggest leveraging the default_log_fn function to print the validation accuracy. The outputs will be used for autograding.
class SentenceSentimentTrain:
The trainer class of sentence sentiment classification
def train(self, data_train, ...):
2. Training the network
Train the neural network on SST-2 (Stanford Sentiment Treebank) and report your training and validation results.
You should be able to achieve a best validation accuracy equal to or higher than 75%. It might take some time to download the GloVe embedding file before the first training. Be patient!Submission
Please submit the whole directory llmsys_s25_hw1
as a zip on canvas. Your code will be automatically
compiled and graded with private test cases.
My CUDA code does not pass the testcases even though I believe they are correct, what should I do? Please make sure you recompile the CUDA kernels every time you make any changes, also, try restarting the Colab kernels if you are using Google Colab to get a fresh start.
I cannot get 75% accuracy, what should I do? We provided the hyperparameters for you, but feel free to explore other settings as well (e.g. using SGD/updating learning rate). If you still cannot get more than 75%, please come to the office hour and we can debug together.